"Turtles On The Town" was a community arts project featuring 50 sea turtle sculptures embellished by artisans and displayed in locations throughout Collier County.
I was delighted to have been chosen as one of the artists to create a turtle for this exciting project. After much thought, many sketches and detailed drawings, i decided that my contribution would be "Namaste Turtle".
The namaste gesture which is created by bringing the palms together at the level of the heart, bowing the head, and closing the eyes, us used in greetings and acknowledges the souls of two individuals.
Namaste Turtle embodies feelings of harmony, peace, and tranquility for all who view her. In Eastern Philosophy it is thought that the entire world rests on the turtle's shell.
Namaste Turtle was brought to life with paint, colored stones, and beads, and reflects the beauty and fragility of our environment here on earth.
Namaste Turtle was sponsored by Marissa Collection of Naples and was prominently displayed on Third Street in Naples, Florida. Namaste Turtle was later sold to a private collector with proceeds benefitting The Conservancy of Southwest Florida.